It is very popular now to have something printed for the service. This can be a single A5 card, a folded A4 sheet or a folded A4 sheet with pages inserted. We can include photographs, verses, poems and any messages that the client may request. We can also include information on a collection for charity, whether the funeral is going onwards for burial or cremation and an invitation (if relevant) to join the family at a function later.
We do most of the printing and preparation work for this internally. Usually it is a case of the family providing us with the content and we put everything together to create a layout. Once we have this ready we prefer to have the client’s approval before we arrange for printing. The best way to do this is by email. This allows us to send the first draft through as soon as it is available. If email is not possible then a hard copy can be printed for the client to view.
Once any amendments are made, and we have approval, we will then organise printing. We usually require this, at the very latest, the day before the funeral.
Thomas Cuthell and Sons pay an annual duty to Christian Copyright Licensing International (CCLI). This gives us the necessary authorisation to reproduce and print the wording for most commonly sung hymns.