Thomas Cuthell and Sons have a close working relationship with a number of florists throughout the area. We can organise an order on behalf of the client, liaise with the florist and ensure the order is delivered on time for the funeral service. Colours and types of flowers are very much at the discretion of the client.
A coffin spray (also called a double ended spray) is often chosen as an arrangement from the next-of-kin or the whole family. Another popular choice are floral letters which spell out a name or MUM or DAD, for example.
Extended family and other people attending the service often choose a single ended spray (sometimes called a teardrop spray) a tied bunch, or a round wreath.
Other options can include a posy, pillow or individual flowers. We often find now the family choose to have individual roses, to place into the grave after a burial.
Most florists can also produce a bespoke arrangement if the client has a specific request for something that reflects the deceased’s interests or lifestyle.